Resultado GraviTest – EN

Processando resultado. Aguarde alguns instantes. … Attention To get a clear answer about pregnancy, you must consult a doctor. We suggest making a doctor’s appointment and taking the Beta hCG test. Only a doctor is able to say with complete certainty and guarantee that you have all the information you need.

Teste de Gravidez 10/10 – EN

When should I take a pregnancy test? You can take a pregnancy test as soon as you notice a delay in your menstrual cycle using pharmacy test kits that detect the hCG hormone in urine. These tests are quite sensitive and, if used correctly, can provide reliable results. If the result is positive, it is […]

Teste de Gravidez 9/10 – EN

Can I be pregnant even if I have no symptoms? It is entirely possible for a woman to be pregnant without noticing any obvious signs. Often, symptoms are not immediately apparent to some women in the early stages of pregnancy, while others may experience symptoms right away. If there is a possibility of pregnancy, it […]

Teste de Gravidez 8/10 – EN

What discharge indicates pregnancy? During pregnancy, it is normal to experience an increase in vaginal discharge, which results from increased cervical mucus production and greater blood circulation in the pelvic area. This discharge tends to be thicker and more abundant than usual, appearing white or light yellow in color. Some women may also notice a […]

Teste de Gravidez 7/10 – EN

How do I know if I’m pregnant or just experiencing PMS? To differentiate between a possible pregnancy and PMS, consider the following: If there is a delay in menstruation, it may indicate pregnancy. However, if menstruation is on time, it is more likely that the symptoms are due to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Certain symptoms are […]

Teste de Gravidez 6/10 – EN

What do you feel in your belly in early pregnancy? At the beginning of pregnancy, women may experience abdominal discomfort in various ways and with different degrees of intensity, which vary individually. Some sensations are frequently reported: ➛ Cramps: Commonly described as small twinges or muscle spasms, these pains can be stronger in the morning […]

Teste de Gravidez 5/10 – EN

How to differentiate whether symptoms are due to pregnancy or another condition? It’s important to consider that symptoms often associated with pregnancy, such as fatigue, nausea, and breast tenderness, can also be caused by other health conditions or the menstrual cycle itself.  Other causes may include non-pregnancy-related hormonal changes, stress, or lifestyle changes.  If a […]

Teste de Gravidez 4/10 – EN

How long into pregnancy does nidation occur? The implantation of the embryo in the uterus, known as implantation, usually occurs between the sixth and twelfth day after the egg is fertilized by the sperm.  This period corresponds, on average, to ten to fourteen days after ovulation, though it can vary individually.  Some women may not […]

Teste de Gravidez 3/10 – EN

How Soon Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start? The first signs of pregnancy can appear shortly after conception, but many women do not notice them until a few weeks have passed.  Typically, symptoms begin to manifest between the 4th and 6th week of pregnancy, which corresponds to about 2 to 4 weeks after a missed menstrual period.  […]

Teste de Gravidez 2/10 – EN

How long is it normal for a menstrual period to be late? It is perfectly common for a menstrual period to be delayed by 7 to 9 days occasionally, especially during periods of stress, dietary changes, intense physical activity, or hormonal imbalances.  For most women, a menstrual delay of up to a week is generally […]