How do I know if I’m pregnant or just experiencing PMS?

To differentiate between a possible pregnancy and PMS, consider the following:

If there is a delay in menstruation, it may indicate pregnancy. However, if menstruation is on time, it is more likely that the symptoms are due to premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Certain symptoms are more commonly associated with pregnancy than PMS, including increased breast tenderness, continuous morning sickness, back pain, frequent urination, and aversion to certain foods.

While PMS symptoms tend to diminish with the onset of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy symptoms usually continue and may intensify over time.

Do you feel back pain?

Question 7 of 10

This discomfort is quite common during pregnancy and can occur at any stage. The pain can be mild or severe and may manifest in different parts of the back, such as the lower back, sacral area, or along the spine.

Pregnant women can experience back pain for several reasons:

  • Changes in the Center of Gravity: The growing uterus shifts the woman’s center of gravity, which can increase pressure on the spine and back muscles.
  • Weight Gain: The weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, can strain the back muscles and increase stress on the spine, causing pain.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormones such as relaxin increase during pregnancy to prepare the pelvic ligaments for childbirth, but they can also affect the back ligaments and muscles, increasing the risk of pain.
  • Postural Changes: The advancement of pregnancy and the growth of the uterus can lead to changes in the woman’s posture, tilting her forward and putting extra pressure on her back.
  • Emotional Stress: Concerns about childbirth, the baby’s health, and changes in family life can increase muscle tension and cause back pain.


To relieve back pain during pregnancy, you can:

  • Practice light exercises, such as yoga or swimming, to strengthen the back muscles and improve posture.
  • Wear comfortable and supportive shoes.
  • Apply warm or cold compresses to painful areas.
  • Use supportive pillows while sleeping to relieve back pressure.
  • Take regular breaks if standing or sitting for long periods.
  • Consult a physiotherapist for guidance on exercises and pain relief techniques.


If the back pain is intense, persistent, or accompanied by other worrisome symptoms, it is crucial to seek evaluation and guidance from a healthcare professional.

Did You Know?

The ability of the fetus to dream while still in the womb is one of the most intriguing findings of pregnancy.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus’s brain already shows electrical activity indicating the occurrence of dreams.

These early dreams are basic and discontinuous, consisting of elementary sensations and perceptions, such as fetal movement, temperature changes, and external noises.

The growing fetus uses its senses to navigate the womb space and form its first mental impressions.

Movements, the mother’s heartbeat, her voice, and the sounds of the outside world are all crucial in composing the fetus’s dreams.

As the fetus’s brain develops, dreams become more detailed and vivid. Images, narratives, and emotions begin to appear, enriching its dream universe.

Although the details of fetal dreams remain a mystery, it is agreed that they play a vital role in the mental and emotional development of the fetus.

Dreams are a tool for the fetus to process information, manage emotions, stimulate creativity, and strengthen the connection with the mother.