When should I take a pregnancy test?

You can take a pregnancy test as soon as you notice a delay in your menstrual cycle using pharmacy test kits that detect the hCG hormone in urine.

These tests are quite sensitive and, if used correctly, can provide reliable results.

If the result is positive, it is essential to schedule an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist to confirm the pregnancy and begin prenatal care.

Are you experiencing mood swings or feeling more sensitive than usual?

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It is normal to experience mood swings during pregnancy due to a combination of hormonal, physical, and emotional factors.

Pregnancy brings significant hormonal changes to support the baby’s development, and these changes can impact a woman’s emotional state.

Pregnant women often experience a roller-coaster of emotions, alternating between joy, anxiety, irritability, and sadness.

These emotional variations can be caused by several factors:

  • Hormones: Increased levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy can affect the brain and alter mood.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Pregnancy can be a period of stress and worry, especially concerning the baby’s health, childbirth, and changes in family and financial dynamics.
  • Fatigue and Physical Discomfort: The growth of the uterus and postural changes, along with weight gain, can cause discomfort and fatigue, affecting emotional well-being.
  • Self-Image: Changes in the body during pregnancy can affect self-esteem and cause mood swings.


Despite being common, it is important for pregnant women to seek emotional support and prenatal care to face these challenges.

Talking to partners, friends, family, or healthcare professionals can be beneficial for managing feelings of anxiety, sadness, or stress.

Additionally, support from pregnancy groups or counseling can be helpful for some women.

Did You Know?

Pregnancy not only prepares a woman for the birth and care of the baby but also brings notable physical benefits.

Bone Benefits

Pregnancy stimulates the production of relaxin, a hormone that, in addition to relaxing the pelvic ligaments for childbirth — which can cause back discomfort — also strengthens bones by increasing their mineral density.

This effect is temporary, with relaxin levels normalizing post-partum, but the gains for bone health can be long-lasting.

Increased Flexibility 

Relaxin also promotes greater elasticity in the ligaments, which is crucial for the baby’s passage during childbirth and can aid recovery after birth, minimizing the risk of injuries and favoring healing.

More Efficient Lungs

To meet the fetus’s oxygen demand, a woman’s lung capacity can increase by up to 20% during pregnancy due to more frequent and deeper breaths. Although the lungs return to their normal size after childbirth, respiratory efficiency can remain elevated, giving the mother more energy to care for her baby.

Other Benefits

Pregnancy can also offer other health benefits for women, such as:

  • Reduced Cardiovascular Risks: Research suggests that pregnancy can decrease the risk of heart disease and strokes.
  • Improved Oral Health: Hormonal changes can lead to an increase in saliva production, helping to combat cavities and gum diseases.
  • Strengthened Immune System: During pregnancy, the immune system strengthens to protect the fetus, which can prevent diseases and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.