What do you feel in your belly in early pregnancy?

At the beginning of pregnancy, women may experience abdominal discomfort in various ways and with different degrees of intensity, which vary individually.

Some sensations are frequently reported:

Cramps: Commonly described as small twinges or muscle spasms, these pains can be stronger in the morning or at night.

Stabbing Pains: These feel like pricks or pinches in the pelvic or abdominal area.

Burning: A sensation of burning or heat, especially in the lower abdomen.

Tension: It feels like there is pressure or stretching in the abdomen.

Have you been feeling disgusted by certain foods or having strange cravings for others?

Question 6 of 10

During pregnancy, significant changes in women’s food preferences are normal, which may include aversion to certain foods and cravings for others.

These changes result from a mix of hormonal, physical, emotional, and even cultural influences.

Food Aversions

It is common for pregnant women to develop aversions to foods they previously liked or tolerated.

These aversions vary and can include a wide selection of foods, from meats to vegetables, dairy products, and spicy dishes.

While the reasons for these aversions are not entirely clear, hormonal changes are believed to play a significant role.

For instance, variations in the levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone can change the perception of flavors and smells, making some foods less appealing or even repulsive.

Food Cravings

Besides aversions, many women feel intense cravings for certain foods, often unusual or different from what they normally prefer.

These cravings can range from sweet to salty, or even unusual flavor combinations.

The exact causes of these cravings are uncertain, but they may also be linked to hormonal changes and the body’s nutritional demands during pregnancy. 

Emotional and psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, concerns about pregnancy, and expectations about motherhood, can also influence changes in food preferences during this period.

Did you know?

It is common for pregnant women to experience changes in taste and develop peculiar cravings for certain foods, ranging from specific cravings to sudden rejections of some types of food.

Here are some curious facts about these unusual cravings:

  • Exotic Combinations: Some pregnant women may desire food combinations that usually don’t go together, such as ice cream and pickles or chocolate with cheese.
  • Cravings for Non-Food Items: In rare occasions, the desire for non-edible items, like dirt or chalk, may arise. This can indicate a condition known as pica, often associated with a nutritional deficiency, which requires medical attention.
  • Specific Cravings: Desires can be very particular, like preferring a dish from a specific restaurant or prepared in a unique way.
  • Common Cravings: Among the most usual cravings are those for sweet foods, such as chocolate and ice cream, carbohydrate-rich items like bread and pasta, and salty or spicy foods.
  • Curious Cases: There are reports of quite singular cravings, such as grass seasoned with lemon and salt, coal, and even soap. These are unusual and typically not fulfilled.


These variations in taste can result from the interaction between hormonal, physical, and psychological factors. 

It is essential to note that, although some cravings are harmless, others can be harmful to both the mother’s and baby’s health. 

Therefore, it is highly recommended that any unusual craving be discussed with a healthcare professional.