How Soon Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

The first signs of pregnancy can appear shortly after conception, but many women do not notice them until a few weeks have passed. 

Typically, symptoms begin to manifest between the 4th and 6th week of pregnancy, which corresponds to about 2 to 4 weeks after a missed menstrual period. 

It is essential to recognize that each woman has a unique experience, and while some may notice symptoms early on, others may not have noticeable symptoms in the first few weeks.

Have you been feeling fatigued or very tired?

Question 3 of 10

Feeling exhausted is a common symptom of pregnancy and can occur at various times during this period.

This fatigue can be attributed to a mix of physical, hormonal, and emotional factors:

  • Hormonal changes: Pregnancy brings significant hormonal changes, including an increase in progesterone levels, which can lead to a feeling of tiredness.
  • Increased metabolism: The body works harder to nourish the growing baby, which can increase metabolism and the need for energy, resulting in fatigue.
  • Physical changes: Weight gain, postural changes, and the growth of the uterus can cause discomfort and tiredness.
  • Sleep disturbances: Issues such as nausea, frequent urination, back pain, and difficulty breathing can disrupt sleep, contributing to daytime tiredness.
  • Emotional stress: Worries about the baby’s health, childbirth, and life changes can cause stress and fatigue.


While fatigue is common, it is vital for pregnant women to take care of themselves and find ways to manage these symptoms, such as adequate rest, a balanced diet, light exercise, and relaxation techniques.

If the fatigue persists or significantly impacts daily activities, it is advisable to seek medical guidance.

Did you know?

The dialogue between mother and child begins long before birth. From the start of pregnancy, the fetus already has the ability to react to stimuli from outside the womb.

This initial interaction is crucial for creating a strong emotional connection between mother and baby.

The fetus shows a remarkable ability to respond to these external stimuli, starting communication through:

  • Touch: As one of the first senses to develop in the womb, touch allows the fetus to feel the mother’s caresses through the belly. These caresses and massages convey love, comfort, and are beneficial for the fetus’s well-being.
  • Sound: From the 18th week of gestation, the fetus can start hearing sounds from the outside world, including the mother’s voice. Research indicates that the fetus reacts to the mother’s voice with changes in heart rate and movement, showing a preference for this special voice.
  • Light: Even with limited illumination inside the womb, the fetus can respond to light. Tests with intermittent lights have shown that the fetus can react with movements and heart changes.
  • Taste: Amniotic fluid, which surrounds the fetus, carries the flavors of the foods consumed by the mother. It is believed that the fetus can distinguish these flavors, which can affect future food preferences.
  • Emotions: The emotions experienced by the mother can affect the fetus. Studies show that fetuses exposed to maternal stress during pregnancy may exhibit altered behaviors after birth.